How the assessment process works
Booking the assessment
I have an online booking system which enables you to choose an available slot and pay the deposit, and I can send you a link to this once we've established that I'm the right type of professional to help you.

Prior to the assessment
Once the appointment's booked, I'll ask you to complete a questionnaire and return it to me at least 14 days before the assessment date. There may be questionnaires for others to complete too, such as a school questionnaire if I'm seeing your child. I'll ask you to send this onto the SENCo/class teacher and ask that it's either sent back to you to forward onto me or it's shared with us both at the same time. Those being assessed need to have had an eyesight test in the 2 years leading up to the assessment date.
I appreciate that having an assessment with someone unfamiliar can be rather daunting and therefore I offer a free 5-10 minute Zoom 'hello' in the days just beforehand so the person who's going to be assessed can meet me, ask questions, etc.
On the day of the assessment
The assessment usually takes around 2 hours followed by immediate verbal feedback to explain my conclusion. If you're a parent, you're welcome to pop in to see my dining room which is where I assess. You can then either return 2 hours later or stay in your car or in my garden. As well as outdoor seating areas, I have an insulated, heated outdoor garden cabin for parents to use during the assessment. This has a comfy sofa, an Alexa for music/the radio and a TV with a FireStick where you can watch Netflix, BBC iPlayer, etc.
Having paid a £75 deposit at the time of booking, I ask that the balance is paid no later than the assessment date.
The photos below may be helpful for you/your child to see my dining room, my garden cabin, etc.
Please scroll through the photos
After the assessment
I offer immediate verbal feedback to explain my conclusion. For parents, this can be in person (in my dining room, my garden, by your car or on my doorstep) or later on in the day (over a phone call or in a brief email). Those age 18+ can choose whether to hear the feedback alone or with someone else.
I send reports and referral letters within 14 days of the assessment to only those named on them (or those with parental responsibility if under the age of 18).